Products & Price List

Remembrance Parks Central Victoria

This page provides information relating to prices for products and services.

Our 2024-2025 Product and Services Guide is effective from 1 July 2024.

  • There are many considerations to keep in mind when planning ahead. The cost of our services vary, depending on preferences.

  • One option is not necessarily more or less expensive than the other. The selected memorial and any chosen celebration of life services will influence overall cost.

  • We offer standard memorials, as well as premium memorials, which attract a higher cost

  • The Chapel, and The Function Room are wonderful ways to honour and celebrate life, available at an additional cost.

  • Payments can be made in monthly instalments over a period of up to two years. No fees are charged to enter into a plan and prices are guaranteed throughout.

  • From 1 July 2024, RPCV’s product and service prices will increase in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase applied at the Government set level of 3.8%.

  • In Victoria, the prices for cemetery plots and services are regulated by the State Government, and they increase by a certain percentage every year. Under section 43 of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act, all trust fees of $50 or more are increased annually in accordance with CPI.

    All prices are gazetted fees in accordance with the Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003 (Vic). Cemetery trusts cannot charge a fee that has not been set by the department and published in the Victorian Government Gazette. RPCV is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation reporting to the Department of Health. This structure ensures services are available for the whole community and the prices are government approved and gazetted.